Waterside Medical Centre - Health in Gosport

Waterside Medical Centre - Health in Gosport 4 Health at Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK . Here you will find detailed information about Health: ad-dress, phone, fax, opening times, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Rating based on 5 reviews
UK South East England

Waterside Medical Centre


Waterside Medical Centre

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Health at Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK. Here you will find detailed information about Health: address, phone, fax, opening times, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening times


8:00 AM – 6:30 PM


8:00 AM – 6:30 PM


8:00 AM – 6:30 PM


8:00 AM – 6:30 PM


8:00 AM – 6:30 PM





Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK Gosport South East England PO12 1BA Great Britain
Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK Gosport South East England PO12 1BA Great Britain



PO12 1BA


South East England


Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK

About Waterside Medical Centre

Waterside Medical Centre is a United Kingdom Health based in South East England, Gosport. Waterside Medical Centre is located at Mumby Rd, Gosport PO12 1BA, UK

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Reviews of Waterside Medical Centre



Absolutely shocking! Although the GP was very understanding, the reception staff are awful and frankly rude in the extreme ! It's got to the stage where I won't go to the surgery because I have to engage with themi. I will be changing surgery in the near future but not before I have discussed this matter with the practise manager . I should have paid more attention to the reviews! Please be warned



I really enjoy being put on hold for upwards of 10 mins and then hung up on repeatedly. sorry my call is inconvenient for you



This is not directed at Waterside Medical Centre, as I do not have any complaints about Waterside Medical Centre, but I do feel as though I need to vent my frustration about the stupidity of the blood test system in this country. Everything is based on a 95% normal distribution curve, isn’t it? Well, take the rheumatoid factor test. The normal range is supposed to be below 25 iu/ml. Mathematics was never my strong subject, but doesn’t that mean that 95% of the population is supposed to have a rheumatoid factor level of below 25 iu/ml? So why did the rheumatologist I saw today say that 50% of people had abnormal rheumatoid factor levels? If this is true, doesn’t the normal range need some serious revision? He also said that the rheumatoid factor test was so nonspecific that it did not really tell you anything, so why don’t we just scrap these blood tests that are so nonspecific as to be meaningless (and the rheumatoid factor assay is by no means the only such test)? Also, I have quite often heard it said that some members of the 5% outliers have abnormal results which are normal for them (but how do they know who they are?). In my case, I must have a lot of abnormal results which are normal for me. To me, it seems as though this can be used as just another excuse for not diagnosing people’s problems. The way the NHS behaves can drive you mad and that is probably what they want, as they do not then need to treat physical ailments and can just dish out antidepressants and tranquillizers to everyone (or, on the basis of today’s experience at the hospital, I think that the latest fad is mindfulness to take your mind off your pain). I will probably be put on some blacklist now (if I am not already on one somewhere), but I feel as though some of this needed to be said.



I fail to understand how receptionists can be so unprofessional and inefficient. The waiting room was completely empty and i was only one of two people waiting in the queue. Despite this we were made to wait for quite some time while the receptionists chatted amongst themselves and busied themselves with things that appeared trivial ( all the time failing to at least acknowledge we were waiting). I don't mind waiting in queues when it's necessary but i resent being kept waiting when there's no real reason for it. God knows how they cope when it gets busy ???



My friends live out there, so they would know better than me.

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